Non mi funziona....
/ # /opt/bin/amuled &
/ # amuled: OnInit - starting timer
Initialising aMuled 2.2.6 using v2.8.10
Checking if there is an instance already running...
No other instances are running.
ERROR: WARNING Warning! You are running aMule as root.
Doing so is not recommended for security reasons,
and you are advised to run aMule as an normal
user instead.
Warning! You are running aMule as root.
Doing so is not recommended for security reasons,
and you are advised to run aMule as an normal
user instead.
ListenSocket: Ok.
HTTP download thread started
Loading temp files from /opt/share/amule/.aMule/Temp.
All PartFiles Loaded.
No shareable files found in directory: /opt/share/amule/.aMule/Incoming
amuleweb: can't load library ''
ERROR: ERROR You requested to run web server on startup, but the amuleweb binary cannot be run. Please install the package containing aMule web server, or compile aMule using --enable-webserver and run make install
alla fine di /etc/profile ho messo:
#for amule
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/bin
export HOME='/opt/share/amule'
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/lib