wydev-mod-v2 Install the mod without HDD extraction.
Questa è una discussione su wydev-mod-v2 Install the mod without HDD extraction. all'interno del forum ZoltarTV - Forum italiano, nella categoria Vecchi Forum; A grazioso, per l'intero elenco dei codici dei prodotti, la marca Wymod il Pannello di controllo, il skinops script per ...
wydev-mod-v2 Install the mod without HDD extraction.
02-July-2010, 04:32 PM #11 Re: wydev-mod-v2 Install the mod without HDD extraction.
03-July-2010, 01:28 PM #12 Re: wydev-mod-v2 Install the mod without HDD extraction.
Wyplay skin
Advanced settings tutto attivo tranne pure ftp.
Non va il wifi.....
Il menù settings-network da solo collegamento ethernet.
Anzi, non entra nemmeno nel menu.
Fatto reset ma nulla cambia.
03-July-2010, 03:43 PM #13 Re: wydev-mod-v2 Install the mod without HDD extraction.
Maybe it's related to tryng to restore net settings without a previous backup. back to original settings and modify config file at the root of the pendrive setting the restore from backup options to false, this way it should work,
come back with results
07-July-2010, 01:39 AM #14 Re: wydev-mod-v2 Install the mod without HDD extraction.
Allora, in pratica il trucco sta quando si formatta la pennetta dargli WYDEMO...
okkio alla versione del firmware...
07-July-2010, 01:49 AM #15 Re: wydev-mod-v2 Install the mod without HDD extraction.
UAU!!!! Sta funzionando! Spettacolare la scriita wydev-mod-v2
visto che sono quasi le due di notte mi ricordo quando, assieme a mio padre, facevamo funzionare per la prima volta il commodore 64... ma quelli erano altri tempi...
Aspettiamo il reboot...
07-July-2010, 01:59 AM #16 Re: wydev-mod-v2 Install the mod without HDD extraction.
Dopo un pò di panico (sembrava morto...) sta ripartendo e...
Ok, le impostazioni di rete ci sono ancora... non le ha perse...
Nel menù dei settaggi avanzato sono apparse delle nuove voci :
1. Led Policy
2. Monitor
3. Extras
4. Reboot
UAU!!! Led Policy --- troppe opzioni e mi sa pericolose... vedremo dopo...
Monitor fa vedere la velocitÃ* della ventolina... e le temperature di CPU, HDD e l'usaggio in percentuale delle ultime 2
In Extras ci sono le cose che interessano a noi: DbUpdater, InaDyn, PureFtp, Samba Client, Samba Server, Transmission!!!! Con la possibilitÃ* di abilitare/disabilitare i servizi solo momentaneamente o abilitarli ad ogni riavvio!
E il servizio Telnet è attivo...
ora rimane da verificare l'affidabilitÃ*, ma per quello ci pensa la mia compagna. Spero d'aver esaurito la vostra curiositÃ*...
07-July-2010, 02:33 AM #17 Re: wydev-mod-v2 Install the mod without HDD extraction.
Concludo con un video che ho trovato su internet:
07-July-2010, 10:30 AM #18 Re: wydev-mod-v2 Install the mod without HDD extraction.
I'm glad to read that!
We're currently trying to improve the installation method, and the firm v2 should be considered as unstable yet, more like a proof of concept for the new install method, secure, of course, but wymodcp doesn't handle all extras (older version), not integrated yet the PHP into the bins and too much we left for next release....
Thanks & Regards,
07-July-2010, 12:42 PM #19 Re: wydev-mod-v2 Install the mod without HDD extraction.
Wonderful! Please, consider to insert the possibility to add a usb cam reader to see all crypted video!
07-July-2010, 01:15 PM #20 Re: wydev-mod-v2 Install the mod without HDD extraction.
wydev is a collaborative/community projects... this really means that there's nobody leading the future features yet, just a bunch of guys which are not happy with their players
.... and want to enhance them.
So, what i want to point the fact is, every feature was done by an individual itself, and the full packagement is just what every guy do on his player and share on the forums or at the SVN. After some months, everything is packed again and a new firm is published!
So, if you feel confident with the cam readers, you will just need to find a cam reader with linux driver sources published, or a SH4 architecture cam reader driver. Maybe the problem is that you're uncomfortable working on linux-embed, this case, if your own skills aren´t enough to do it, we can help you in the process, but, you should make your own path in fact, we will just help you, not do the job itself... as the second main objective of our project is learning and share our knowledge.
As many people gets involved, more enhancements, more features, more talented people, better wydevice alternative firmware... That's it!
i hope you understand ;-)
Thanks in Advance,
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