Tvix Xroid A1 - Firmware 1.1.2
Questa è una discussione su Tvix Xroid A1 - Firmware 1.1.2 all'interno del forum Tvix Xroid A1, nella categoria Dvico Tvix; E' uscito l'aggiornamento firmware per Tvix Xroid A1 ora alla versione 1.1.2 con diverse novitÃ* e migliorie:
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Tvix Xroid A1 - Firmware 1.1.2
23-December-2011, 10:51 AM #1 Tvix Xroid A1 - Firmware 1.1.2
E' uscito l'aggiornamento firmware per Tvix Xroid A1 ora alla versione 1.1.2 con diverse novitÃ* e migliorie:
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Release Notes for Rev 1.1.2 since Rev 1.0.23 ============================================================= < Tip > - Press Center Icon (Apps) to use installed applications or Android Applications. - Press ‘MENU’ button to use variable functions in main screen, file browser or playing mode.
1. Improves TViX Share - The SEND(UPLOAD) function has been added.
< How to use the SEND feature >
1) Click friend''''s nickname on the FRIEND tab.
2) Click Request Send permission and your friend will accept your nickname.
or click Allow send and inform to your friend.
3) In Media tab, click your nickname (green icon) -> view files.
4) Click a file or folder to upload and select send menu
5) Select nickname you want to send a file.
6) upload will be progressing.
7) You can find uploaded file or folder in your download directory.
( ex, HDD_1 \STORAGE\Downloads)
* We will display download and upload progressing in TViX share, so you can know when upload will be finished from your friend.
- Auto accept option in TViX Share has been added.
If you check the Auto accept option (Default is off) on the setting of share, anyone can connect your unit without approval. We already prepared tvix12 nickname for your testing.
- Overwrite function of TViX share has been added.
In case same file has existed, sometimes download has been stopped for this reason. This problem has been solved.
- Supports Auto upgrade of the TViX share. If version is different, TViX share will update the latest version automatically.
2. Supports TViX Torrent.
- You can search torrent file and download it without PC.
Lists of search are 100 at this version, but we will increase it soon.
- You can also add your .torrent file.
You can download a torrent file from web browser of TViX or PC and then you can add this file.
- Default path of download is HDD_1\STORAGE\Torrent
- Maximum number of download is 5.
3. The scenario of MOVIE, MUSIC and PHOTO buttons was changed.
- Press MOVIE button on the remote controller, you can open MOVIE folder of first device directly.
- Press MUSIC button on the remote controller, you can open MUSIC folder of first device directly.
- Press PHOTO button on the remote controller, you can open PHOTO folder of first device directly.
- It is available at main screen or file list mode when you press these keys.
4. Main icon scenario was changed.
- Press MOVIE, MUSIC or PHOTO icon at the main screen, displayed root folder of first device.
- To change device, Press MENU button or UP FOLDER.
5. Supports Resume/Bookmark page.
- Resume/Bookmark page has been added as a separate UI.
- Press BOOKMARK button on the main screen or file browser to open this page.
- Press OK button, and resume or bookmark file will be started.
- To delete a list, press DELETE button on the list.
6. Supports Dynamic 3D animation GUI.
- Main icon has been improved as Dynamic 3D animation.
- Updated much more wallpaper, so you can change your wallpaper easily.
7. Trick Playback of Blu-ray/ .ts/ .m2ts/ mpeg files have been supported.
8. Added warning box at TViX share or TViX torrent.
- If you do not want to display this popup, please uncheck Always show this warning.
9. Fixed the problem that vertical application was not control with mouse or Remote.
10. Fixed the problem that slideshow was occurred Memory error sometimes.
Discussioni Simili:
01-January-2012, 10:31 PM #2
Re: Tvix Xroid A1 - Firmware 1.1.2
Grazie Galerio,
credo proprio che proverò questa versione di firmware, spero anche che mi risolva qualche piccolo forse sono io visto che è solo un giorno che lo sto testando....pardon andiamo con ordine. .gif)
Grazie a un vostro articolo, mi sono appassionato a questo media player....non vi dico ma l'attesa è stata assai lunga !! (anche per la consegna)
Quindi vi devo ringraziare per avermi fatto scoprire quest'ottimo prodotto e spero che possiate aiutarmi su qualche aspetto ancora non troppo chiaro.
-Cover Art non mi mostra nessuna immagine, cosa devo fare ?
-Al primo avvio ho collegato il mio vecchio Lacie cinema display da 1T e ho potuto da subito sfogliarlo e riprodurne i contenuti senza problemi. Oggi (secondo giorno di utilizzo) non c'è verso di farlo funzionare, appena lo collego si "impalla" tutto e devo spegnere forzatamente entrambi.......mistero ?? (speriamo nel nuovo firmware, ah dimenticavo ho attualmente 1.0.05)
-Terzo problema, sia da Mac che da Windows non riesco a fare alcun upload di nessun file....... unico modo per ora è quello tramite wifi o ethernet !!, sinceramente non capisco forse è perché è un usb3 ?
grazie in anticipo a chiunque voglia aiutarmi.
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