HMR-600W+1,5TB: non sintonizza la Banda UHF
Questa è una discussione su HMR-600W+1,5TB: non sintonizza la Banda UHF all'interno del forum Nexus HMR-600W, HMT-600, Ellion HMR-600, Medley 3 Mkv 850n, nella categoria OdosMEDIA; I found the files preciselly when you wrote the topic. I found them using the find command.
"find /usr -name ...
HMR-600W+1,5TB: non sintonizza la Banda UHF
06-January-2010, 09:29 PM #11
Re: HMR-600W+1,5TB: non sintonizza la Banda UHF
I found the files preciselly when you wrote the topic. I found them using the find command.
"find /usr -name *.txt"
I have copied the PORTUGA.txt file to the HDD and edited it with wordpad giving it just a line:
"67, 842000000, 8"
The problem is that I cannot replace the original file with this edited one because it is a read only file. From what I have read I have to remount (something?) in order to have write access to the files. I think I have to do something like this:
"mount -o remount,rw <device>" but don't know what "device" I need to mount.
I am not very enthusiastic about this solution either, because as I have said before I can set the channel 67 and the 842MHz frequency manually, so I guess it has something to do with the mux being a h264 one (DVB-T HD).
06-January-2010, 10:05 PM #12 Re: HMR-600W+1,5TB: non sintonizza la Banda UHF
Sorry for the bad information, I don't have my hmr600 with me. If you want to change your portuga.txt you have to mod the firmware by uncompressing it with "unyaffs". But if the frequency is present, you can only change its position. Just remember to work with root permission or you cannot install the modded formware.
I don't think that the problem is the codec used in the tv transmission: even if it is a h.264 the hmr can play it!
07-January-2010, 03:41 PM #13
Re: HMR-600W+1,5TB: non sintonizza la Banda UHF
I know it can play it! I even copied an .TS file recorded with my PC and the USB PEN DVB-T to the HMR and it plays the file without a problem. I think it has something to do with the scan routine of the channels. Maybe if it is an mpeg2 mux it finds it and if it is an mpeg4 it doesn't. Don't know. Just stretching ideas.
16-January-2010, 10:19 PM #14
18-January-2010, 08:29 PM #15
Re: HMR-600W+1,5TB: non sintonizza la Banda UHF
Problem solved! In order to tune the portuguese channels you need to lower the quality signal that arrives at HMR to very low values. Better results for quality between 15 to 20%. This is just to tune the channels (in manual mode). In order to do so I had to use a bad conductor between the TV instalation and the HMR to lower the TV signal quality. This is very bizarre but it works. You can also ask someone for the dtv_channel.txt and insert it like it is told in the telnet tutorial.
Thanks everyone, especially portunhol (Portuguese fellow) who made it all happen.
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