O2 ha pubblicato il Firmware C738HP per HMR-600W.
Queste le migliorie:
1. Adding Storage Information - You can find all the stroge information connected to the unit
2. Addding F/W upgrade (System F/W upgrade) in the set up menu.
You can just put the USB in the unit and select System Upgrade for the F/W uprgade. It has some risk you cannot see the screen if it fails during upgrading. In this case, you can upgrade F/W with the current way again (Pressing Home(Guide) button and mechanical power on) .
3. Front Display Off function staying after power off and on.
4. Debugging BT
5. Integration of updating F/W both for boot 13 and for boot 19-21.
Il punto 4, debugging BT, potrebbe riguardare i problemi segnalati con il client di Torrent?
(viewtopic.php?f=29&t=1503 )
Mi sembra invece che non siano stati affrontati i problemi segnalati per il servizio you tube
Ne approfitto per augurare buon anno nuovo a tutto il forum!!
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