Random Music RSS

Questa è una discussione su Random Music RSS all'interno del forum Iamm NTR-83, NTR-81, NTR-82, NTR-90, NTR-S20, Baloccobox, Xtreme X82HD, nella categoria Novatron Iamm; Bonjour de France Non parlo italiano (google è mio amico) Io sostengo il sito http://geekyhmb.fr.cr Spendo pagine del RSS Les ...

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Random Music RSS

  1. #1
    Junior L'avatar di zozodesbois
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011

    Random Music RSS

    Bonjour de France

    Non parlo italiano (google è mio amico)
    Io sostengo il sito http://geekyhmb.fr.cr
    Spendo pagine del RSS Les fonctions | GeekyHMB
    e gli script Scripts | GeekyHMB
    Ho un HMB Movie Palace (come Ellion HMP-1000X)
    Ho scoperto il buon lavoro di Kamo (Mastermind) e sono venuto qui.
    Non posso rispondere a Kamo, quindi ho creato un nuovo topic: Random Music RSS

    This is an RSS script to listen to your music randomly on your media player.

    Here is a page dedicated to the subject in French
    Random Music RSS | GeekyHMB
    Google Traduction

    The script is here Free File Hosting Made Simple - MediaFire with this name IMS_GeekyHMB_RMusic_vxx.zip
    The light version is without MP3 files (licences Creative Commons Creative Commons)

    You need to modify a setting in the setup for IMS scripts: USB, HDD, System

    Here are the problems I encountered for which I need help:
    - I was not able to read the environment variable $RANDOM with the command getEnv("RANDOM"); so I created my own algorithm. But is there a way to read $RANDOM ?
    - I can't make a RSS script that let you select a folder and returns the name of this folder to the main script. I found scripts/browser.rss in C750 but it doesn't work as I want. I would like to select only one folder, and return its name (with doModalRss(); ) in the main script...
    - To launch shell scripts I use cgi, but it needs network connection. Is there a way to run a shell script without being connected to the network?

    thank you for your help

    Discussioni Simili:
    Ultima modifica di zozodesbois; 27-July-2011 alle 04:19 PM

  2. #2
    Hacker L'avatar di zival
    Data Registrazione
    Sep 2010
    Rimini, Italy, Italy
    Inserzioni Blog

    Re: Random Music RSS

    Thank you for this link sharing, it seems very interesting.
    As soon as i'll have some time to read this translated site, i'll let you know my impressions

    Ricordati di clickare su Mi piace questo post / Grazie per questo post

    IAMM NTR83 FW v1.90 zival MOD 1.8
    + SmartTV 1.7 (SmartTV 1.8 in progress)

  3. #3
    Junior L'avatar di zozodesbois
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011

    Re: Random Music RSS

    Ciao Zival !

    Good adaptation for xSudoku and xPuzzle
    They works on our machines, we only have to change paths.
    The original php has a parameter lang
    I will certainly use it to translate in French.


    Ultima modifica di zozodesbois; 28-July-2011 alle 07:47 AM

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